DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Capturing Lepanto

imagination-and-historyThis week we started off history with a wonderful radio program about the Battle of Lepanto presented in the style of old-time radio with background music and sound effects. My children were absolutely riveted by the program…for the entire hour and 18 minutes.

Beyond covering the battle, the producer stood back at the 500 foot level to explain the history leading up to the battle and thus allows the listener to understand context and motivations of everyone in the story. The result is a program that completely engages mind and imagination.

I would recommend this free radio program, available online and as an mp3 download from soundcloud, to anyone with a curiosity about our past. It is great for children who are middle age or older, but I think you probably ought to listen yourself first to be certain it passes your mom-test. Regardless, my kids learned a lot, I learned somethings I did not yet know, and it put our study of Medieval history into context with a bridge to current events.

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