DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Greek Games, And Not The Ones You Think

greek-gamesMy kids love games.

Games are fun; games seem like non-learning activities; but games can be crammed with gobs and gobs of education.

One of my favorites is Ellen McHenry’s Digging Up Greece (available as a free pdf download from her basement workshop website). It does take a little bit of effort to prepare the game and printing in out onto card stock is probably best, but after I assembled everything I had my kids help color the game board. And as a bonus, I deconstructed some sheet protectors to use with tape as ‘poor man’s lamination’ for the game board and we used it as a map when we read about ancient history together. I suppose at that point you could even write on the plastic-covered map with dry erase pens or crayons to highlight events and battles as you teach them. But now I am heading into territory my kids call ‘homeschool mom geek’…

And so everyone in our little homeschool had a part in creating this really fun activity that teaches geography and can tie back to any of your kids’ ancient history studies or provide a fun foundation upon which to explore ancient history in the future.

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