
Free At the Library Makes Kids Happier

free-at-the-libraryWhen you are using classical education methods, it is very easy to teach history to your kids without a textbook.  All you really need is a timeline, a good history encyclopedia,  and a library card.
The library offers access to a tremendous variety of materials you can read aloud or have your kids digest on their own.
We use a range of literature suggested by the Susan Wise Bauer well-trained mind tome as well as historical fiction that strikes my kids’ fancy.  We also fill our little classroom each week with a new set of nonfiction books about the time period we are studying.
Thanks to our state’s inter library loan system I can request nearly any book we could possibly need.
It is a great way to cut costs and your kids get involved coating subjects that interest them. Also I have found that since all our state universities are part of the inner library loan program,  I can get my hands on most textbooks for other subjects as well. I use it as a way to try curriculum or on my kids without risk. No need to purchase anything unless it works for the kids.
So give it a try this year. You can use the extra money you save on activities for the kids,  that vacation you are hoping to take,  or simply more coffee for you!

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