DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Go Away, Mad Mom!

Do you ever have those moments when something happens and you have an instantaneous reaction that opens the door for ‘mad mom’? You know what I mean? The kind of reaction that threatens to change your mood, and not for the better.

When you feel the mood come on, just take a breath and come back. Come back to your family today, here in the present. Shut the door on whatever past event triggers you. We all have those. After all, we have all lived through childhood and enough into adulthood to have our own kids. We have lived a lot and we have all seen some things and been through some stuff. That is OK.

Some of us have lived through things that should have never happened to us. But it did. It was not your fault but it happened. And here we are.

The point is to not let those reactions win out and change our mood. (Can you tell I am talking to myself right now?) Hang tough, mom. Your kid did not mean to spill the milk, he was just pouring out a glass to drink and practice makes perfect, eventually. Your husband? Well, he really means well, he just cannot tell the difference between a clean floor and a dirty one. That is why you clean the floor and he repairs all the broken stuff. You are a team, so give him some grace.

Don’t worry when you feel that mad mom rising inside you. If one of your kids does something like spill milk all over the kitchen floor, anyone could get frustrated. And who doesn’t feel a little defeated when the husband decides to take a shortcut through the house and your newly-washed floors are now ready for the mop again. It happens to all of us.

The thing you have to do is figure your way past that frustrated, angry mom. Don’t let her dwell inside you. Shift your frame back to that loving and kind mom whose life is fulfilled by motherhood, marriage, and her faith. That is the mom you need to hang on to.

The most important part of life is to extend yourself a little of that grace you dole out to the family.

You are worth it, mom. You are loved dearly.

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