DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

A Perfect Gift For Mother’s Day

A Pocketful of Hope for Mothers is a beautiful conversation between the author and you and would make the perfect gift for a young mother.

A Perfect Gift For Mother's DayThis is a beautiful little book, perfect for a mother in your life, filled to the brim with hopeful and comforting quotes from poets like Emily Dickinson and William Shakespeare and others.

The book is organized into two sections the “Now” and the “Then” sections.

“Now is filled with the thoughts and journal entries of the author around the basic theme of encouragement for new moms.

The “Then” are thoughts that come from the author’s grandmother, a woman filled with warmth and kindness and faith. She collected quotes, thoughts, and bible quotes and these are what the author shares in this second section of the book.

The two sections are tied into one with a memory of an apron.

A very special apron that resides in the author’s kitchen towel drawer today. The author’s grandmother wore this apron and stashed in its pockets little trinkets for her granddaughter to find including a little pink seashell, a blue feather, and a roll of Life Savers.

If you are new mom, this is a perfect book to roam through in those times when you can use a little encouragement for the road ahead. And if  you are already a mom, or even a grandmom, this book provides a gentle tour down the byways of your memories with young children.

It really is the perfect gift for any mom.

Publisher’s Description

You love the sweetness in his little smile and the way she wiggles her tiny toes in delight. You love the beautiful chaos that your life has become. And then come the challenges of motherhood. The exhaustion. The frustration. In A Pocketful of Hope for Mothers, Robin Jones Gunn reminds us that as moms, the only thing we need to do each day is to live with a selfless spirit, a tender heart, and all the gusto our giddy souls can muster. She reminds us that no matter how fragmented our lives may feel right now, all that matters is that we love well. God is near, giving us encouragement and hope as we care for the little soul that has been entrusted to us. This collection of heartwarming vignettes, inspiring quotes, and simple prayers makes a perfect gift of inspiration for all mothers and moms-to-be.


About the Author


ROBIN JONES GUNN is the much loved author of the popular Christy Miller series for teens and Sisterchicks® novels as well as non-fiction favorites such as Victim of Grace and Spoken For. Her 90 books have sold nearly 5 million copies worldwide. Robin is a frequent speaker at local and international events. She and her husband live in Hawaii where she continues to write her little heart out.


About the Book

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