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Downloadable Monday – 6 Homeschool Myths Debunked by Data

I hope you never have relatives or friends who decide to insert themselves into your life and critique the decision that you and your husband made to homeschool your children. But just in case that happens to you, I am sharing the 2-page PDF I made up a few years ago to combat nosy questions about why my husband and I chose to homeschool.

[ddownload id=”1761″ text=”Download 6 Homeschool Myths Debunked by Data HERE”]

Here are the Myths that I debunk on the download above:

  1. Homeschooling is not common
  2. Homeschooled kids are not learning as much as they would in public school and are not prepared for college
  3. Homeschooled kids are not socialized
  4. You have to be college educated to homeschool your kids effectively
  5. The federal government controls education / the government supersedes parental rights
  6. Homeschooling is not legal; homeschoolers have no legal protection

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