DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Critical Thinking Detective Teaches Vocabulary!

My kids are getting to the age where we are thinking about SAT test preparation, and so I was delighted to have to opportunity for us to review the Critical Thinking Detective: Vocabulary from The Critical Thinking Co.™

Critical Thinking Is Important To Teach, But Even Better When It is Fun!

The piece that really differentiates the products from The Critical Thinking Co.™ is that the company makes learning fun and interesting. Your child will practice inductive logic skills and, with this particular book, also learn those especially difficult SAT vocabulary words.

Will It Enhance Your Homeschool

What You Get

Everything you need is included in one workbook, with perforated removable pages. The answers are located at the end of the workbook. This makes it perfect for handing out a page to your child, or a group of children, and allowing them to work through and solve the case, coming back to you to check the final answer and determine if they correctly identified the “bad guy”.


The workbook begins with an introduction that explains how to go about solving the cases using inductive reasoning.

There are twelve cases to solve in the workbook, some harder than others, but all of them are challenging and fun!

Answers are provided at the back of the workbook, making this a completely self-contained product that is perfect as a supplement or a summer fun activity.

Assigning High School Credit

I think that this supplement is best used as an addition to an existing high school class you already have set up for your child. You could use it for extra credit to allow her to boost a grade, or simply as something fun to do over the summer.

Prerequisites For This Supplement

It is probably best if you use this supplement with a high school aged child, but advanced middle schoolers might really enjoy it as well.

How We Ended Up Using The Lessons

We sat together and read through each detective case. Then my kids talked together to answer the questions and decide upon the culprit. Along the way, they pulled out our dictionary to look up some of the vocabulary that they were uncertain of.

How We Liked It

Overall, this is a fun and interesting way to help your child brush up on vocabulary that she will need to know if you plan to have her take the SAT exam towards the end of high school.

Combining the logic fun or solving cases given a set of witness statements as clues with the challenging of learning new words is a fantastic way to supplement your high school student’s English coursework.

Summary of Critical Thinking Detective: Vocabulary from The Critical Thinking Co.™


General Features

Works with these Age Ranges

Good For These Educational Styles

Subjects Covered

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