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Creating a Love for Math – Part 2

MathsMarcus Du Sautoy has done more for my kids’ understanding and love for math (or maths as he puts it in England) than I thought possible.

Throughout my educational career, I spent many, many hours studying math. I thought that I really understood all of it. But then I sat down with my kids to listen to a math podcast with Mr. Du Sautoy. Wow. He is able to explain the reasons behind all of mathematics, even the really advanced stuff in a way that makes the concept “sticky” for even the little ones.

Beyond his BBC podcasts, Mr. Du Sautoy has a series called “The Story of Maths”, available on DVD at our local library. He also created another really entertaining documentary called “The Story of One” currently available on Netflix.

Here is the link to his website:

So spend some time being enchanted by math today!


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