DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Q is for Clueless {Blogging Through The Alphabet}

Yes, I realize that clueless doesn’t start with a ‘Q’, but couldn’t we just pretend it does for today?

Q is for CluelessFor some reason I hit a block tonight. Throughout the day I had all sorts of wonderful ideas. They were fantastic! Just like those ideas you get just before you fall asleep. You know the ones I mean? Those fabulous ideas you think, “I just know I will remember this in the morning.” And then you don’t.

Well that was me today. And here we are. The husband is in bed asleep. The kids are busy in their rooms, doing whatever homeschooled teens do in the evenings. Well, I know for a fact at least one is chatting with a friend and the other is doing lessons. The house is quiet. The only noise is the sound of my dog snoring at my feet, and the music playing in my headphones.

Now I finally have the time to pick one of those great ideas for the Q blog post. . .

. . . nothing. Nada. Zip.

My mind is an absolute blank.

Ever happen to you?

Is it the return of ‘mommy brain’ or a consequence of getting older?

Or maybe this post was just not meant to be.

So instead I would love to read what you wrote! Did You Write An “Q” Post? If so, then join our Link Up!

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And then hop on over to read the great posts written by my wonderful co-hosts Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool and DaLynn @ Biblical Womanhood!

Blogging Through The Alphabet

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