DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Chickens and Shoeboxes

Our Babies Started Laying!

Chickens and ShoeboxesOur big (funny) event this week was that our young chickens started laying. I looked out the back window into the yard on Wednesday afternoon. There, standing on the laying box was ‘Little Peep’, one of our golden chickens (we got two yellow orpingtons at Easter this year to add to our existing flock). Little Peep was trying to find her buddy, ‘Jelly Bean’, and had narrowed her location down to the laying box. Later, when my husband came home from work and went out to check for eggs, he discovered two large eggs and one little one! Jelly Bean has joined the big leagues!

Raising chickens teaches my children animal husbandry but more importantly it teaches them responsibility in a way that goes far beyond caring for a cat or a dog. Caring for livestock is such a different experience. And chickens are special in our house – my father-in-law was a state vet who also taught in the big agricultural college in our state and his specialty was, yes you guessed it, the chicken. So my children are learning about the business of raising and caring for the animals their grandfather dediated himself to. And that makes chickens special in our house.

Getting Shoeboxes Ready…

We are getting ready for shoebox season. It is time again for me to gather up all the empty shoeboxes I gathered over the last year and start to fill them for Operation Christmas Child. Do you pack shoeboxes with your children? My son loves to go deliver our boxes each November so he can take a look at the piles and piles of shoeboxes. For him, each box represents the generosity of a kind soul and also the promise of happiness and revived faith for a child and their family in a part of the world that is not free enough to allow people to believe in God openly.

Posts & Reviews This Week

Great Homeschool Products we are trying out:

Books We Are Reading:

Where We Belong by Lynn Austin






Places I Linked Up This Week

Drop by and read the posts of some great homeschooling families at this week’s Homeschool Highlights hosted by Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break! And read through the great posts at Weird Unsocialied Homeschoolers’ Link Up as well! …and check out the great weekly wrap up posts linked up at The Homeschool Post!

Join us in linking up with my Friday Funnies, Flops, and Fails Link Up Party below!

Did you have a flop or a fail in your homeschool this week? Maybe something happened that was just too funny!

Share it here in my link up – let’s show all those homeschooling moms who think that homeschooling has to be that Pinterest-perfect activity ALL the time what homeschooling really looks like!

Homeschooling can be messy and there may be tears, and your laundry absolutely never, ever, gets done! But it still is the absolute best thing you have ever done and the best life you could possibly imagine for your kids and for you, right?!

How Was Your Homeschooling Week? Do you have pets at home who participate in your homeschooling life?

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