
Mom Time

Homeschooling can be messy and there may be tears, and your laundry absolutely never, ever, gets done! But it still is the absolute best thing you have ever done and the best life you could imagine for your kids and for you.
Every so often, you need something just for you. Browse through the content and be encouraged. You are doing so great, mom!

Down to my last mustard seed

It really is one of those days. The kind that sucks the life out of you. Things always take a few days to hit me. I can withstand pretty much

X is for Spots

X is for Spots

X is for Spots {Blogging Through The Alphabet} I am sure you are familiar with spots. We are all moms, so we see spots every day. If you are like

R is for Relax Your Homeschool

R is for Relax Your Homeschool

A relaxed homeschool is a happy homeschool. It can be really hard to maintain your cool when the cat walks by as you are working with your kids and sprays

M is for Mistakes

M is for Mistakes

M is for Mistakes. Mistakes. I always thought they were bad. Growing up I avoided mistakes like the plague. I hid them, even lied about them when I was little.