
Calendar and Attendance Sheets for 2016-2017 School Year

School calendarI make a school calendar and student attendance sheets each year to use in our homeschool, and this year I realized I could share them with all of you.

[ddownload id=”1715″ text=”Download School Calendar & Daily Attendance Sheets for 2016-2017 HERE”]

The sheets today are for the calendar year that starts with August 2016 and runs through July 2017 (just because that is the schedule we follow).

If you would like a different start or end date for the calendar and attendance sheets, just let me know in the comments section below and I will crank it off and post it up here.

Our attendance sheets are designed to minimize fuss and bother, since I am busy enough with my day to actually write down a “present” mark for each of my kids each morning. (If they weren’t “present” my husband would be scouring the neighborhood with a bat and a shovel and I would be down at the local police station calling up the national guard to find them) So I do my attendance sheets backwards – if we miss a day of school, I mark it down as absent. If we do school on a school day, I mark nothing. It is a much easier way of tracking attendance and I only wish I had figured it out those first few years that I dutifully marked “present” for each of my kids every morning.



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