DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

D is for Bruce Degen

Bruce Degen – Where He Fits In History


D is for Bruce Degen

Bruce Degen was born in June in 1945. Everyone know that this was the year that the  United States got into WWII and that 7 months later, Pearl Harbor would be bombed, but a lot of other things happened as well. George H Bush married his lovely wife Barbara, Franklin Roosevelt was inaugurated for a fourth term, and the intrepid U.S. Marines took the hill on Iwo Jima.

One berry, two berry!

Mr. Degen talks about why he directed his artistic talent towards children’s books in this video  interview. He mentions how happy it makes him to hear from families that they read his book every night.

When my children were little, my husband would get home from work in time to read to them before bed. And every night they had to end the reading session with Jamberry.

We read that book so many times, that I can recite the entire thing to you at the drop of a hat even today, 12 years later. Bruce Degen’s books touched our lives deeply. He delighted my children and opened imaginative worlds filled with happiness and light.

Oh, yes. . . give Daddy is a Doodlebug a try too! (I can recite that one by heart as well.)

So give a Bruce Degen book a try with your children!


Come back next week and read about another author.

But in the meantime, join me and my fantastic co-hosts as we link up all of our “D is for” posts!

Amanda @ Hopkins Homeschool
Kirsten @ DoodleMom
Jennifer @ A Peace of Mind
Kimberley @ Vintage Blue Suitcase
Desiree @ Our Homeschool Notebook
Markie @ My Life as Mrs. Cooks
Hillary @ Walking Fruitfully

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