
Begin Your Week With Better, vol 2

Vol 2 - Begin your week with better


Each week I share encouragement, ideas, recipes, and more to help you relax and be that happy mom we all want to be for our kids. So grab a quiet spot, a cup of caffeine, and browse! Just relax, and your week will be great!


  • Have you ever read a book that just reaches out and speaks to you? Parenting Beyond The Rules (from Tyndale House Publishers) grabbed me by the apron strings from the first page. This is the kind of book you can use to get affirmation and to find solace both on those tough days. On the good days, this book helped me to let my children’s voices shine through and count.
  • Internet security is so hard to keep up with! Did you know that over 773 million emails and 22 million unique passwords were stolen and up for anyone to view on a cloud service called MEGA? This luckily was discovered and public access was restricted, but it is likely that one of your email addresses and passwords is in their list. You can check using a tool called Have I Been Pwned. (I found a couple of my email addresses in their list. Time to change all my passwords again. 🙁 )


  • A man designed a submarine that can take him deeper than any human has gone. And while he was down there, he discovered a totally new species of tethered jellyfish! <<read more here>>
  • Heat can flow from cold to hot! – I know, this sounds like it goes against the laws of thermodynamics we all taught our kids, but some brilliant physicists developed a really simple device that can pull heat out of a cold object to add to a hot one without adding any extra energy. Mind-blowing! <<read more here>>
  • A HUGE math discovery means computers will get fast quickly! – A new way of multiplying really big numbers together that is so simple and intuitive that you can even teach your kids how to do it. <<read more here>>


  • So many free poems for your kids! – all ages, any theme or occasion you can think of. This is a great resource to kick off a poetry tea time with your kids. <<read more here>>
  • Take a trip to the zoo, in your pj’s! <<read more here>>
  • Free college-level programming class MIT offers a lot of free classes that my high schoolers love to work through. Do you have a child who wishes to learn Java programming? You can set them up here with this great free class! <<read more here>>


  • Super Delicious Overnight French Toast Bake This looks so yummy and it is so simple to do. Your children will be so happy you tried this! <<read more here>>
  • 140+ Sandwich Recipes! If you are like me, you find yourself in a ‘sandwich rut’ sometimes. You keep making the same thing and your kids give you that, “again?” look when you hand them their sandwich for lunch. This is a fantastic resource to get new ideas! <<read more here>>
  • Cheesy Garlic Butter Mushroom Stuffed Chicken Oh, my goodness this sounds so good!
    <<read more here>>
  • Brownie Cookies! I think that is all I need to say, don’t you? <<read more here>>

OK, that is it for now. Have a fantastic week with your kids! Please do share anything you like in the comments below about your week or some special moments as they happen. We can all learn from each other and raise each other up.

See you next Monday and I will have more tips and ideas to help you begin your week on an upswing!

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