DoodleMom's Homeschooling Life

Are You Really Okay?

How many of us are really okay? Are you really that happy, together woman that you let everyone see?

I am betting there are times you aren’t.

I am completely guilty of smiling through the pain and saying, I am just fine. People don’t want to hear the answer. Not really. They just want the, “I’m fine,” answer so the conversation can move along.

There have been times that I just come out with the honest answer and it is a conversation stopper. “Well,” I think, “that is just another person who didn’t want the real answer.”

Sometimes there is someone who wants a real answer. That person is a real friend so if you find someone like that, hang on and don’t let them go.

I think the answer is that being honest is probably the best choice. It will help you figure out who cares and who is just casually asking how you are today.

And if you honestly answer, you will feel free of the web you weave when you try to hide. Maybe that is not the easiest choice, but it is the honest way to go.

I ran into a song a few days ago that got me thinking about this more.

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